Membership Fees

Full Membership - EUR 150.00 
Criteria: practicing physicians with interest in hemodialysis vascular access
Printed JVA and online access!

Industrial Membership - EUR 150.00
Criteria: Members of companies interested in hemodialysis vascular access
Printed JVA and online access!

Junior Full Membership - EUR 75.00
Criteria: trainees in surgery, internal medicine or radiology or any other specialty committed with vascular access for hemodialysis under the age of 35 years. 
Printed JVA and online access!

Associated Membership - EUR 75.00
Criteria: dialysis nurses, vascular technicians, radiological technicians, etc. 
Online only Membership!

Junior Associated Membership – EUR 37.50
Criteria: dialysis nurses, vascular technicians, radiological technicians, etc. under the age of 35 years.
Online only Membership!

Membership without JVA - EUR 75.00
Junior Membership without JVA - EUR 40.00

Senior Membership - EUR 75.00
Criteria: only applicable for retired members
Online only Membership!

Discount for VAS Chapters
For members of National societies which are official VAS Chapters may apply for a reduced membership fee.
VAS Membership with JVA EUR 120.00
VAS Membership without JVA EUR 60.00
Please contact the secretariat via if you wish to subscribe for this fee. 

Discount for members from lower income countries
VAS offers to members from lower income countries, defined as countries having gross domestic product (GDP) less than 50% of the European countries average (see Eurostat) 50% membership fee discount (both to doctors and to nurses). These countries include in 2018 for example Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Serbia, but this offer is open also to members from non-European countries based on the same definition. Please contact the secretariat via if you wish to subscribe for this fee. 

Please note that the fees above are only applicable for existing members. If you are a new member joining the society for the first year you will pay:
EUR 75.00 for Full  Membership
EUR 40.00 for Associated Membership.
The first year membership is only applicable for individual memberships not for companies i.e. Industrial membership is excluded. Junior Full Membership, Junior Associated Membership and Senior Membership are excluded from this first year discount.

Please note you cannot combine several types of discounts i.e. junior membership and low income