
International Association of National Vascular Access Societies

Vascular access related issues become more and more clinically important and also the number of related clinical studies is growing fast. There are still many unresolved issues. Therefore, interchange of scientific and clinical information by means of various scientific meetings is needed. As far as vascular access issues are relatively new, many national groups dedicated to this topic have been created. Some of them belong to larger societies (nephrology, cardiovascular surgery...), some of them are independent. Up to now, their connection to other national societies is very limited.

Vascular Access Society (VAS) is one of the oldest societies (it was founded in 1997). VAS is international and one of the most visible and distinguished societies dedicated to vascular access care.

Now VAS comes with the initiative to create and International Association of National Vascular Access Societies to interconnect the national groups of experts.

This Association is primarily prepared as an informal platform with the attempt to:

  1. Enable spreading of information about vascular access activities (congresses, symposia, workshops etc.)
  2. Cumulate links to the web pages of the national societies on 1 site
  3. Prepare some common platform for discussing controversial topics
  4. Create a network for investigational activities, such as multi-center trials

VAS will take responsibility to advertise this Association, to help with the communication according to Association goals and to prevent spreading junk emails.

If you are interested in joining this Association, please, complete the form (download here) and send it back to:  Ilona Vermeeren, e-mail: